

You've just arrived at the Internet Gadget Archives, currently the Internet's largest source of Gadget images from Disney's Rescue Ranger TV show
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Image Series: RR
Digitized Images
Fan fiction and stories
Fan Art and assorted Icons
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Image Series: RR

The following GIFs were made real by an Amiga 500 and its parallel port digitizer. The digitizer decided to die on the last picture we grabbed, so no more pictures can be made from this series. =(

RRA From Puffed Rangers
The time when Genghis Cat is holding Gadget in his paw. Very Cute

RRB From Puffed Rangers
The scene where they are on the conveyor belt. FrameGrabber messed up on this one. To give you an idea of what it looks like, shake your TV up and down. ^_^

RRB2 Same as RRB.GIF, but we got the %@$?! FrameGrabber to work with the digital VCR. If some of these pictures look grainy, then blame it on our VCR. It has an integrated digital framegrabber, which only captures about 65 thousand colors

RRC From Puffed Rangers
Gadget with Bazooka

RRD From Puffed Rangers
Truck after Gadget with Bazooka =)
Hmm, pretty realistic toys..

RRE From Puffed Rangers
The scene right after they jump out of the delivery truck. FrameGrabber messed up, but in a weird way. You have to see this to believe it.

RRE2 Almost the same as RRE.GIF, but missing top half
You have to see RRE.GIF to understand

RRF From Puffed Rangers
Gadget: "... more like a case of the galloping influenza." (Slightly poor picture quality)

RRG From Puffed Rangers
Dale "What's that?"
Chip: "..sounds like a dinner bell."
Dale: "I wonder what's for dinner?"
Gadget: "Think, Dale.."
Dale: "Mouse Tar-Tar and Chipmunk Suey..?"
I think that's what the dialogue was before it was redubbed.. BLEAH

RRH From Puffed Rangers
Gadget: "We've been molecularly enlarged!"

RRI From Puffed Rangers
Picture of Chip and Dale as they smile at the bad guys getting shrunk
This is a great framegrab, if not for the grainyness

RRJ From Puffed Rangers
Dale sits on a box of Puffie Wuffies as Chip, Gadget, and Zipper watch him

RRK From Bearing Up Baby
Dale hits Monty, starting a chain reaction that ends up sending everyone into a pile on top of Gadget

RRL From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget smiles at Dale after he makes his little tirade about not getting eaten

RRM From Bearing Up Baby
A few frames after RRL.GIF. Gadget re-adjusts her backpack.
Cute backpack!

RRN From Bearing Up Baby
A Great group shot of nearly the whole team.
Dale crosses his arms, and Gadget shrugs as she gives up on him.
Monterrey Jack and Zipper are also in this pic

RRO From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget: "I wish Dale were here to see this.."
Gadget is standing on a hill along with Chip and Monty.
A few seconds before Dale shows everyone how a ballistic projectile's flight path would be, right into Monty

RRP From Bearing Up Baby
Twelve or so frames after RRO.GIF.
Gadget has her hands on her hips.
You can almost hear the "Oops, strike that!" from her as Dale barrels into MJ

RRQ From Bearing Up Baby
Gadget has a sad look as she speaks to Humphrey the bear about the little boy.
This would have been a great picture if the framegrabber didn't perish that day. =(
The brightness on the picture is too low..

RRS From Bearing Up Baby
A sorta OK group shot of the Rangers.
Another problem, this time with the VCR. Gadget's blue!
This is from the the scene right after Humphrey rescues the kid, who keeps getting into trouble, with the tree.

Digitized Images

GLOM.GIF Picture of Chip & Gadget in the Ranger Wing
From 'Good Times, Bat Times'

BIGPOSTR.GIF Picture of just about every character that's ever appeared in any Disney Animation.
Chip, Dale, Gadget, and Zipper are in there. There are also characters from Ducktales, Winnie the Pooh, and Tale Spin (look for Sher Khan in the balcony.) ;)

HAWAII1.GIF Picture of Gadget's evil twin, Lu'whinii (sp?)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII2.GIF Another Picture of Lu'whinii
". . . how can I trick her! Oh.. convince her.."
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII3.GIF Shot of Gadget & her evil twin before they play switch
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII4.GIF Shot of Gadget & Lu'whinii
"Just like sisters!"
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII5.GIF Shot of Gadget and Shake'a Bake'a (Lu'whinii's surfer dude boyfriend)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian' (See a pattern developing?)

HAWAII6.GIF Lu'whinii saying hello to Zipper on the volcano
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII8.GIF Chip & Dale about to kiss each other because Gadget can move pretty quick. ;)
From 'Gadget Goes Hawaiian'

HAWAII9.GIF Gadget hands a surfboard to Lu'whinii.
Lu'whinii is about to tell her that she's holding her friends hostage.
From 'What was the title again'

RANGERS.GIF Group shot of the Rangers on the Rangermobile
Where in the world did Gadget learn how to drive?!

C&D_RACE.GIF A digital photograph of Gadget, Chip and Dale at a racetrack, possibly in Disneyland
Originally from the Phase IV BBS - USA (908) 727 7514

GADGPSTR.GIF A montage of Gadget and her different outfits from a few Rescue Ranger episodes
Arranged by Victor Ramirez - ramivic@elof.acc.iit.edu

GADGTAIL.GIF A picture of Gadget flying the screaming eagle
From 'To The Rescue'
Digitized by Victor Ramirez - ramivic@elof.acc.iit.edu

gadget1.jpg Serious looking picture of Gadget with a plunger harpoon.
From 'Case of the Cola Cult'

gadget3.jpg Really Cute picture of Gadget with her hands up in the air
From 'Dale Beside Himself'

rr-gadsh.jpg Gadget and Zipper drop a 20lb. coconut on Chip
. . . and wind up almost crushing him.
From 'Chipwrecked Shipmunks'
Scanned by Foxglove - foxglov@azstarnet.com

rr-all1.jpg Gadget and the rest of the Rangers tied up and about to be fed to Billy the Squid
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Foxglove - foxglov@azstarnet.com

rr-gnet.jpg She's getting really good at this. . .
Gadget explains an interesting way to dispose of her and Chip to the PiRats.
(Chip is notably surprised)
From 'Chipwrecked Shipmunks'
Digitized by Foxglove - foxglov@azstarnet.com

rangcar.gif Gadget giving the Rangers a heart thrilling ride on the Rangermobile
Scanned off the back of a Latvian Disney comic
Digitized by Aivars Liepa - aliepa@lib.acadlib.lv

BOOM.JPG Gadget never said anything about an explosives hobby..
(Chip holds his ears for the incoming blast)
From 'Zipper Come Home'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

BRAKE.JPG "Brakes? Nobody mentioned anything about brakes.."
Gadget controls the steering on her railway-jet-ski in this picture
From 'Off to the Rescue - Part V'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

FAN.JPG Gadget fans herself with a leaf, while Dale knocks Monty's weather sense
Gadget shows off pink shorts ^_^
From 'Weather or not'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

PLUGIN.JPG Gadget gives the boys a thumbs-up to reverb Irwina the Queen Bee
From 'Risky Beesness'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

SHUSH.JPG Chip about to strangle Gadget.. =)
From 'Zipper Come Home'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

STEVE2.JPG Gadget theorizes that sound has something to do with the disappearing mice
From 'Pied Piper Power Play'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

UNPLUG.JPG Gadget demonstrates she's an excellent conductor of electrical energy,
As the rest of the group watches on in complete shock
From 'The Carpetsnaggers'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

EATPLUNGER.JPG Zazu from The Lion King scolding Scar
"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to eat Gadget?"
Created by Candy Courtnier

backlater.jpg Gadget runs back to the Ranger Wing
From 'Out of Scale'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

corejump.jpg Gadget vaults over an apple on the floor
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

depressed.jpg Gadget can't see why she's important to the team
From 'To the Rescue - PART III'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

downside.jpg Gadget waves Hi!
..upside down
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

mousetoss.jpg Monty practices for a new Olympic event - mouse toss ^_^
From 'Kiwi's Big Adventure'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

marshmallow.jpg Infamous marshmallow scene
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

submerged.jpg Monty pulls a very wet Gadget out of the water
From 'Piratsy under the Sea'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

whoput.jpg Multi frame screen grab
Frame 1:A Kiwi sneaks up on the Ranger Plane, with Dale and Gadget inside; Gadget notices a kiwi totem on the floor
Frame 2:Dale does a wild take, realizing he's about to become chipmunk shishkabob.
Frame 3:Gadget casually tosses the kiwi totem out the back of the vehicle
Frame 4:Kiwi gets smashed by fast moving totem as Dale watches in wonder

Tough mouse..
From 'Kiwi's Big Adventure'
Digitized and arranged by Candy Courtnier

leftover_parts.jpg "I keep winding up with leftover parts.."
From 'Catteries not Included'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

rangerwing.jpg Gadget pilots the Ranger Wing
From 'Out of Scale'
Digitized by Candy Courtnier

kblvgdgt.jpg Mortal Kombat 3: Kabal vs. Gadget
Fearsome mutant vs. mouse inventor
(I'd put my money on the mouse)
Created by Michael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

photo_1.jpg Group shot of Disney Afternoon Characters
Best of all, Gadget's on a balloon at the top!
Scanned by the folks at Disney.com

Fan Art and assorted Icons

GADGLOGO.GIF Nice picture of Gadget standing next to her name
Drawn by Guru-90

GADGTEE.GIF Cute Tee-top of Gadget saying "Golly"
Drawn by Guru-90

GADGSPY.GIF Ever wonder what a full size picture of Gadget in that spy dress would look like?
You know, the one from 'Double 'O Dale'?
Well, here it is. "Nice" Drawing
Best viewed on a 640X400 screen
Drawn by Guru-90

CHIPDALE.GIF As the name implies, Chip & Dale in their pre-Ranger days
Initialed 'TNA'

BEACH1.GIF Nicely drawn picture of Chip & Gadget building a sandcastle at a beach
<Searching for the Author's name>

WIDGET.GIF Scanned picture of Gadget and two other cartoon mice
Drawn by J. Chin

GADGWORK.GIF Picture of Gadget with her patented plunger harpoon
From 'Case of the Cola Cult'
Drawn by Guru-90

GDGTREC.GIF Grey sketch of Gadget reclining
If you only have one picture of Gadget, then make it this one! AWESOME GIF!
In my opinion, this is one of the best on the 'net
(Also makes a great lockup screen bitmap for OS/2)
Drawn by Liz Kalter - meerkat@netsrq.com

meangadg.gif Greyscale of Gadget as an, um.. NOT for the kiddies
But a great picture, none-the-less!
Drawn by Doug Winger - dwing@li.net

GADLITE.JPG Gadget swinging on a cord with one of her inventions
Cute picture
Scanned by Foxglove - foxglov@azstarnet.com

cdteam.tif Greyscale groupshot of the Rangers
Digitized by Paul Lapensee - butcher@iaw.on.ca

dacdrr.tif Another cute groupshot of the Rangers
I wish this picture was grabbed at a higher resolution, I can barely see the Rangers.
Digitized by Paul Lapensee - butcher@iaw.on.ca

MMRANGER.GIF It had to happen.. Mighty Morphin Rescue Rangers!
Chip, Dale, Gadget, Monty, and Zipper in MMPR gear.
Fat Cat makes an appearance as Lord Zed
Warped, but quite cute..
Drawn by Gary Akins Jr. - solarfox@eden.com

Gadget_chan.gif This started on a 22" X 17" dry erase board..
Before it was crammed in three sections into a HP flatbed scanner..
Three hundred megabytes of diskspace and three hours of frankenstein work later..
It became a whole picture.

This is a rather large picture..
If your screen isn't 1600X1200, you'll need to resize a bit..
Drawn by Sima (Ami-chan) Goldstein

gadgetc.gif Gadget winking our way
Digitized by Foxglove (foxglov@azstarnet.com)

helmet63.gif Gadget giving a cute pose
Drawn by Gideon - forwarded thru CPTTYLER@delphi.com

rang_all.jpg Group portrait of the Rangers
Digitized by Aivars Liepa (aliepa@lib.acadlib.lv)

but-.gif Gadget voices her opinion
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

dance.gif Gadget dancing near an outline microphone
Interesting background effect
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

ltasamse.gif "Light as a mouse"
Incredible picture for its small size
Best when viewed fullscreen with a black border and background
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

SYMBOLISM.JPG It's not Gadget, but it's still cool
An interpretive idea on the Rescue Ranger logo
To put it simply: nice
Created by Candy Courtnier

gadggrew.gif "Gadget Grew"
Anime rendition of Gadget grown up
Yattah! (All right!)
Still in the early stages of colouring
Click here for the finished picture (gadgrew1.jpg - 250K)
Professionally drawn by Totoro Sensei - serafica@best.com

peltier.jpg All right, all right, I know that a fan is not a Peltier device.
Brought to you by "Ray-O-Catt" Batteries
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

sisters.gif Gadget and Lu'whinii
Drawn by Aivars Liepa - aliepa@lib.acadlib.lv

arms_ds.jpg Gadget crosses her arms
Line art, very nicely done
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski - JJBean@aol.com

frightds.jpg Gadget looking up, as if something were about to fall on her
Full of emotion and character
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski - JJBean@aol.com

needleds.jpg Gadget with a sewing needle
Reminiscient of the wing fixing scene in 'Flash the Wonder Dog'
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski - JJBean@aol.com

otlgadds.jpg Colour sketch of Gadget in a blue mood
Drawn by Dave Strzemienski - JJBean@aol.com

IT_WORKS!.JPG Gadget watches a new invention take off
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

highwire.jpg We knew she could juggle - at least Disney's CDRR bios mention that - but this..? ;)
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

gadgetp1.jpg An acrylic rendition of Gadget
Good stuff!
Painter: Captain Packrat - captpackrat@sisna.com

gadget-2.gif What all the fans have been waiting for: Gadget, nicely drawn, in a two piece swimsuit
Excuse me while I melt.. ^.^;;
Click here for a new version
Illustrated by Malachi

gadg2.gif A new style of drawing our fav' mouse
I'd say its pretty good (if not excellent!)
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

gadg1.jpg Gadget tinkers with a screwdriver
Professionally done by Amara Telgemeier - telg@well.com

gadget.jpg "Me Worry?"
Great digital colours
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

gadsleep.jpg Gadget sleeping peacefully
Add another fashion statement; Pajamas! ^.^
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

gadrun.jpg She looks as if she's ready to sprint a thousand metre marathon
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

gadhuge.jpg Gadget in awe of something frighteningly large
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

laststraw.jpg Will the other Rangers arrive in time to rescue her?
Gadget dangles helplessly from a collapsing branch high atop a mountain
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

elven_ranger.gif Gadget in the garb of an Elven Ranger
Inspired by the Warcraft mass-battle engine
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

Gadget_Gown.gif She seems ambivalent about wearing that dress
I certainly don't mind.. ^.^;;
Illustrated by I.C.

gemmaGadget.jpg Gadget, drawn Manga style, and her Sister Clone Gemma
There's something about a cute Anime girl that has universal appeal.. ^_-
Drawn by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

GadgetMorning.jpg "Mornin' Crew"
Gadget greets us with a cup of brewed Java in the early hours of the day
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

GadgetSnowman.jpg Gadget thinks about how to make a perfect Snow Man
Great imagery!
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

GadgetLingerie.jpg Yet another style of sleepwear ^.^;
NOT for the kiddies, but a really cute image.
Professionally drawn by T. Sheppard - SharkySD@aol.com

GadgetStar.jpg Gadget steps out onto a stage, in costume, and greets her fans
Other images behind her show this artist's different illustration styles.
My fav? Sailor Mouse. ^_^;
Drawn by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

GadgetArchive.jpg Imagine this: Gadget visiting the Archive
Done as a comic book cover. Header inspired by Robert Hollingshead's webpage and the GH-Logo in it.
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

GadgetGolly.jpg Gadget in a classic 'Golly!' pose.
Incredible colour pencil sketch
Drawn by Patrick T C Pope - Aerocycle@aol.com

LolaGadget.gif Gadget, dressed in an outfit Lola Bunny, the Warner Brothers' character, might wear.
Drawn by Jakecubson Paw - ussexplorer@juno.com

A series of images all drawn in a tropical mood.
Gadget_whiteBeach.jpg Gadget rests on the warm sands of a beach
Gadget_Sunset1.gif Smiling warmly, Gadget enjoys a rich evening sunset
All illustrated by I.C.

waterFun.jpg Gadget and Gemma, her sister-clone, splash around at the beach
Incredible swimwear!
Illustrated by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

GadgetTools.jpg Gadget holding a bolt and wrench, in a cheerful mood
This image is classic, reminiscent of Catteries not Included
Drawn by Patrick T C Pope - Aerocycle@aol.com

GadgetHelmet.gif Gadget wearing her trademark protective-headgear
Incredible line-art sketch!
Drawn by Angela Duke - adu6013@templejc.edu

gadget2.gif Gadget in an incredibly cute pose
It looks like Disney did this one ^_^
Drawn by Angela Duke - adu6013@templejc.edu

BarbarianGadget.jpg Another outfit, this time a chainmail bikini. ^.^;
Drawn by Richard Ray II Roberts - scribble@gte.net

gadg97_1.gif Gadget watches an oscillating string
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

gadg97_4.gif Gadget dressed as Ryoko, an oni ( daemon ) from the Pioneer Animated movie, Tenchi Muyo
Very good
Click here for a color version (RyoGadg_colour.jpg - 14K)
Drawn by Candy Courtnier

gad14dc.jpg An 'I dream of Jeannie outfit'
Cute comments
Drawn by Jakecubson Paw - ussexplorer@juno.com

gadyoung.jpg We were all children at one time
( .. and many of us still are ^_- )
Here's an image of what Gadget might have looked like as a very young girl
Drawn by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

blueprint.gif Relaxing on the floor, Gadget reads a blueprint
Drawn by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

gadpirate.jpg "Pirats' Bride"
Gadget outdoes Geena Davis' look in 'Cutthroat Island'
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalaszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

ga15nd.gif Grey sketch of Gadget wearing a Star Trek uniform
Click here for a color version (ga15ndc1.gif - 19K)
Drawn by Jakecubson Paw - ussexplorer@juno.com

gadgnow.gif A 'grown-up' image of our favourite mouse
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

gadinblack.gif "Gadget In Black"
How Gadget would appear if she were part of the alien-monitoring organization from the movie Men In Black
Drawn by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

gadrain.gif Gadget enjoys a Spring shower
Drawn by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

gadspelunk.gif Gadget descends on a rope into a deep cave
Awesome light effects
Drawn by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

gadgsing.gif Gadget, wearing an evening dress, walks up with a mic and sings
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

ghoutfit.gif Gadget in a totally new outfit
Nicely done
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

friends.gif Gadget and her friend, Julie Pliers
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

gapretty.gif Gadget holds a rose from one of her admirirers
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

snap04.jpg Number four of the Why Chip Snapped series
'Ok - so she snores!'
Illustrated by Richard Ray II Roberts - scribble@gte.net

Pillowfight.jpg Gadget and Gemma in a cute pillow fight.
Heartwarmingly enjoyable ^_^
Illustrated by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

RRmobile.jpg A picture of Gadget and Gemma, building a new Ranger Mobile.
Now I want one..
Illustrated by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

ChunGadget.gif It's Rescue Rangers meets Street Fighter III© TURBO
Gadget as Chun-Li
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

GadgetNightgown.gif Gadget wearing a gorgeous royal purple nightgown, standing by candlelight
Impressive imagery, this one's beautiful
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

GadgetCat.jpg In one fight with the never resting mad and evil scientists,
Gadget was splashed by a liquid that slowly turns her into a cat
She's still cute.
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

MangaGadget.jpg Gadget in a new outfit, done Manga style
Illustrated by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

gadget.jpg "From Russia with love"
Very nicely illustrated
Drawn by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

GadMech.jpg Gadget pilots a Boomer ^.^;
CHIP: I know how hard it can be trying to get the lid off those jars,
Professionally illustrated by Totoro Sensei - serafica@best.com

GadgetSketch.jpg Profile of Gadget, drawn in the Anime style
Don't let the 'sketch' in the name misguide you, it's of incredible quality
Professionally illustrated by Totoro Sensei - serafica@best.com

xrangers.gif Rescue Rangers meets X-Men. ^_^
Monty as Bishop, Gadget as Jean Grey, Dale as Wolvie, and Chip as Cyke.
Illustrated by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

ea_gadgt1.jpg Gadget wearing all blue coveralls
Professionally illustrated by Eugene Arenhaus - http://www.chiseledrocks.com

gbatgirl.jpg Gadget tries out a BatGirl outfit
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

gathink.jpg Gadget thinking up something new
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

WonderGadget.gif Gadget dressed as DC's superheroine of the same name
Nice lasso.. ^_-
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

gadget-5.gif Gadget, with a soft expression on her features
Asleep in only a bed that she could have designed
Illustrated by Malachi

GadgBlade.gif Gadget, as the latest recipient of the Witchblade
Fearsome looking little thing.
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

moondreams.gif "Moon Dreams"
Gadget (the moon mouse Princess) and her love Tuxedo Chip
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

MyDream.jpg An image of the artist's dream mechanic, our favorite mouse
Nice vehicle! Seven gallons to the mile. ^_-
Illustrated by J.L. Solis - chipndeath@aol.com

GadgetAngel.gif Oh my gosh.. Here's proof
She is an angel. ^.^
This is incredibly beautiful image of Gadget
Illustrated by Emily Harrison - jharrison@stlnet.com

Gadgetmeralda.gif Gadget, in the garb of Esmeralda from the Hunchback of Notre Dame
Nicely captured motion!
Drawn by Emily Harrison - jharrison@stlnet.com

gad023.jpg Gadget, in a cute surprised pose
Nice styling of her body language
Drawn by Eric J. Smyder - ejsst28@vms.cis.pitt.edu

mistress.jpg What kind of character would Gadget choose if she was about to play
a game of AD&D with the lads?
A Sorceress, for sure!
Ooh, I'm enchanted ^_-
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

GadLum.jpg "Gadget Goes Oni"
Gadget, awesomely appearing as Lum, the obnoxious alien from
Rumiko Takahashi's Anime Urutsei Yatsura (Those Obnoxious Aliens)
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

surprise.gif Gadget, showing a surprised look over her shoulder
Nice emotion and expression.
Drawn by Natasha Kashefipour - RescuRangr@hotmail.com

gmice.jpg "Gunsmith Mice"
Gadget apearing as both Rally Vincent and Minnie-May Hopkins from Kenichi Sonoda's Manga Gunsmith Cats
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

SailorGadget.jpg Not Usagi ^_-
Inspired by the beautiful designs from Tenchi Muyo in Love
Gadget in a Japanese Sailor suit, much like a schoolgirl would wear
Illustrated by Herwig 'Harry' Bartalszky - herwig.bartalszky@dialup.fh-aachen.de

Gadget.jpg Very cute image of Gadget, nicely styled
Drawn by a Russian fan
Drawn by Loki - loki_elf@chat.ru

rrctnw7.jpg "Golly!"
Gadget faces an invention not of her own making
Created by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

tombGadget.gif Gadget appears as Lara Croft, the character from the Eidos group's video game Tomb Raider
Interesting colors
Created by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

Donald_and_Gadget.jpg "Super Carrier":Donald asks Gadget about her 'Tomcat'
WOW, This is incredible
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

thinkerc.gif "Thinker Gadget"
Gadget in the classic Thinker pose
Created by Byron Crowe - croweb@trump.net.au

Chip_and_Gadget.jpg Chip relaying orders for Gadget to be CAG for a mission
Another excellent digital creation in the "Super Carrier" universe
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Escape.jpg "Super Carrier":Gadget runs away from a wall of fire created by an oil tanker explosion
Visually impressive!
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Gadget_in_Tomcat.jpg Gadget about to intercept a Moskit-II (a new Russian anti-ship missile); Launched by a Chinese cruiser and invisible to radar!
Date of action: 4, July, 2001
Place: 'Nimitz' - the 'SUPER CARRIER'!
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

GadgetBW.gif Our favourite mouse became older but still remains beautiful
Drawn by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com
Another version, professionaly coloured by Totoro Sensei

gtbt015.jpg Gadget and Donald Duck are the first to meet the Moskit-II antiship missile
Incredible job of colouring
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

in_tanker.jpg Chip finds Gadget inside a room in the mysterious Chinese tanker
Chip had thought Gadget dead, and nearly gave the order to destroy the tanker because of its dangerous Moskit-II missiles
Another in the 'SUPER CARRIER' series
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

in_tanker_team.jpg Donald, Gadget, and Chip search for an exit in the strange 'Chinese' tanker
In reality, the tanker wasn't Chinese, but they didn't know that
More incredible art and great shading
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Geegaw_and_Gadget.gif A young Gadget flying on her father Geegaw's shoulders
Very Cute pic!
Drawn by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

gadget4.jpg Our favourite mouse, relaxing in a swimsuit
Warm smile ^_^
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadgetFairy.jpg Gadget, as a faerie
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadgetSwing.jpg Gadget takes a romantic swing ^_^
Absolutely gorgeous
Illustrated by by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadget.jpg Gadget receives a bouquet of roses from Zipper
And a gift box ( wonder what's in it? ^_- ) from Dale
Very cute!
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

G4.gif "Tomb Raider Gadget"
Nice outfit
A colored version by Chip Lundsmark
Drawn by Roman A. Bulygin - rem@bayard.ru

Rollers.gif "Gadget on Roller Skates, 1998"
Excellent work!
Drawn by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

in_cave.jpg Dale, Chip, and Gadget find themselves in a dark cave, and that they're not exactly alone
Interesting lighting effects
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

GadgetPt.jpg "Gadget Hackwrench, 1998"
Black pen, ScanJet IIc, Corel Photopaint 8 + five evenings and three Fanta bottles :)
Illustrated by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

GadCute.gif A greyscale sketch of Gadget looking cute
Nicely done
Drawn by Monica Conway - Mozenrath@msn.com

AnimeGadget.gif Now that's an Anime Gadget!
Drawn by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

GadgetAndASpanner.gif Gadget and one of her trademark tools
Must be a spanner wrench ^_^
Illustrated by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

GadgetAtTheBeach.gif Digital recolouration of Gadget in the infamous two-piece swimsuit
Originally illustrated by Malachi
Redone by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

GadgetAware.gif Ears perked up, a surprised expression on her face, Gadget listens to something
Drawn by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

Gadget_jh.gif Every artist has a favourite; Gadget in a uniquely classic pose
She seems sure of herself
Drawn by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

GadgetPosing.gif Gadget bending over to fit in the frame
but not exactly fitting in her bathing attire.. ^.^;;
Drawn by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

SailorMouse.gif Gadget shows her stuff as Sailor Moon
Nice background
Illustrated by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

GadgetAndChip.jpg Chip receives his just desserts from Gadget's latest invention ^.^
more! more! more!
Drawn by James Hart - jjem@ozemail.com.au

"Double Mouse" A drawing of two mice, one of them our favourite mouse
Very cute
Done by Konstantin Mihailov - koyot@r-style.sci-nnov.ru

BigGun.jpg Gadget on the deck of the supercarrier, helicopters going down in flames all around her
Another in the 'SUPER CARRIER II' series
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Gadget_PEAKTOP.jpg "Gadget in a reactor room of 'Escorter' class carrier"
Warning, this is a large image
Another image in the 'SUPER CARRIER II' series
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Hovertank.jpg Gadget works on a mostly dissassembled gravtank
Part of the 'SUPER CARRIER II' series
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

DontWorry.gif "Don't Worry""
Gadget waves, letting us know not to worry.
Drawn by Roman A. Bulygin - rem@bayard.ru

look_from_the_shadow.jpg One year after his first image, Ruslan creates this beautiful piece of artwork
The emotion in the image that was captured is just palpable
Illustrated by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

Army9.gif "Gadget ArmyGirl"
That does it.. I'm joining the Army. Yesterday.
Illustrated by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

BOOBTUBE.jpg Dale gets into television, in a way that's a little bit more than he ever wished for..
Illustrated by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

"Heroes of Might and Magic III" Gorgeous poster of Chip and Gadget posing as legendary heroes
Concept sketches and a bonus drawing of Dale and Monty, as a Bard and a Magus (with Zipper as Monty's familiar ^-^)
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

"Little Gadget" Adorable pic of Gadget as a young girl
Too cute for words ^-^
Illustrated by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

Rough Model #1 Gadget laying down, a threaded nut by one hand ( I wonder what she's thinking about =) )
Rough Model #2 Seated, Gadget makes a cute pose
Really nice picture!
Aspiring artists take note, these two pieces detail how to draw Gadget - including illustration guides with wireframe models
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

Ever think of becoming a super spy like Dale?
No? Well, take a look at this, and think again
Stunning drawing of Gadget as a super spy
Illustrated by Suhanov Roman - safiulin@vsmpo.ru

G_in_rad.jpg Gadget trying to hide in a damaged radar complex, located on an enemy base near El-Alamain, Egypt
Created using pencil, scanner and Photoshop 5.0
Part of the Super Carrier: Resistance series
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

GADGET.JPG Gadget in a pink and yellow striped bathing suit
Swimming in the ocean
Drawn by Omar Omar Arriaga - ARR799834@aol.com

g_wec01.jpg Gadget waltzes ( tangos? ^_^; ) with Wile E. Coyote
Poor Wiley looks nervously surprised..
Illustrated by Roman A. Bulygin - rem@bayard.ru

GadYng2.gif Gadget as a young girl
Drawn by Murad Ismailov - murad@azevt.com

Strange_song.jpg Gadget and FiFi la Fume camp out in the wilderness
Unusual music catches their ears, drawing their attention away from their marshmallows.
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

Gadget13Night.jpg Gadget's a thirteen year old during the fifties!
Revenge of the teenie boppers ^_^
Nicely drawn
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

Gadget14stop.jpg Gadget motions for someone to stop
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

g_rain.jpg A sad Gadget is caught in the rain
Lots of emotion in this pic - Very nice
Illustrated by Roman A. Suhanov - suro@suro.unets.ru

trace.jpg A nice sketch of Gadget's face
Drawn by Jeremy Frachiseur - mitanga@earthlink.net

hbcgadget.jpg Gadget, in a bikini, relaxes atop a cellphone on a birdbath
Drawn by Hentai Boy

gadgnzip.jpg Gadget and Zipper
Both are cute ^-^
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

xenagadg.gif Black and white pic of Gadget as the warrior princess
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

gh-fault.gif Gadget, with a little tinkering, locates the problem with the Inspector
Very funny ^.^
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

Gadget18_bw.jpg She's beautiful no matter how she's drawn..
Nice work ^-^
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

Blkmouse.gif Gadget, dressed as the Black Cat
"I call it 'The Black...Mouse?!?'"
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

gadget.jpg Gadget enjoys a relaxing sunset
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadget1.jpg Nice drawing of Gadget, her hands clasped over her heart
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

angelgad.jpg Gadget as an angel
Animated GIF version
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadgetsad.jpg Gadget, looking blue
Well displayed emotion in this pic
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

snowgad.jpg ''Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.'' ^-^
Animated GIF version
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

present1.gif Gadget with a holiday gift
I wonder what's in the box? ^-^
Very cute!
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

Finally, all the evils in this land have been put to an end! `-^;;;;
Gadget looks down upon a vanquished Chip, Dale alongside her
It looks like Dale defeated Chip. [?] That or Gadget accidentally ran over Chip with her horse. ^-^;
Illustrated by Roman A. Suhanov - suro@suro.unets.ru

Illustrated by Marc Baker - mbaker@cobweb.net

dream2.jpg Can anyone make Gadget smile?
Drawn by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

sled.gif ''Dashing through the snow.. on a no-horse open sleigh..'' ^-^
Animated GIF of Gadget tobogganing down a hill
Very cute!
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

outdoors.jpg Gadget out in the country, amongst giant blades of grass
Zipper tags along
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

GADGET_NEW_Millenium.jpg Gadget welcomes us into a new era!
Illustrated by Alexey Kobyshev - shredder_gc@yahoo.com

fieldgad.jpg Out in a field of yellow gold, our mouse looks out to the horizon
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadface.jpg SMILE!
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadswing1.JPG Gadget sits on a swing above a river out in the country
An old version is also available
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

sleepy.jpg Gadget asleep
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

fridgegad.jpg Who doesnt like a midnight snack???
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

pokegad.jpg ''Gadget, I choose you!''
I'd definitely choose her ^-^
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

viewgad.jpg Imagine you were a little kid being caught in her arms
That would be wonderful
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

l_15-11-995 "Good Night Gadget"
Illustrated by Loki - loki_elf@chat.ru

gadg_oyl.jpg Nobody can build an entire airplane and still stay clean
Awesome drawing
Illustrated by Polo Jasso - lcjasso@Prodigy.Net.mx

gadget2b.jpg Gadget tests out her new CO2 rocket pack, which doesn't work quite as well as she'd hoped
Illustrated by Patrick T C Pope - Aerocycle@aol.com

cute.jpg Gadget. Just Gadget. Nobody, but Gadget
Illustrated by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

gadget19.jpg Gadget in Woodstock attire ^-^
Nicely done
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

gadgetsketch.jpg Don't let the name fool you, this piece is anything but a sketch
Gadget in an awesome evening gown
Nice hair!
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

upsetgad.jpg Poor Gadget looks saddened. Can someone try to cheer her up?
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

cutiepie.jpg Another take on what Gadget would look like as a young girl
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadgetbeach.jpg Gadget, carrying a parasol, takes a stroll down the edge of a beach
Mmm.. Barbados.. ;)~~
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

dandlion.jpg Gadget rides a dandelion in the breeze
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

foxie_and_gadg.jpg Foxglove and Gadget meet under the light of the moon, high up in the sky
Check out Gadget's latest invention; Wings!
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

gadgethi.jpg Gadget waves hi to everyone
Nicely done
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

The following images are practice sketches. All were done by Morgan Kohl. They're all of excellent quality. In some cases, other artists' styles have been mimiced.
Sketch #1
Sketch #2
Sketch #3
Sketch #4
Sketch #5

kabooom.jpg "Oops..."
Wonderfully done! ^-^
Illustrated by Morgan Kohl

recline.jpg Gadget, laying down on her bed, peruses through a manual
Illustrated by Morgan Kohl

sisters.jpg Gadget works on friend Widget's robotic arm
Kudos to George Nelson for pointing out that Gadget's friend is Widget, from John Nowak's fan fiction
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

smooch.jpg Chip and Dale surprise Gadget with a kiss
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

vroomgad.jpg Gadget vs. California Freeway traffic ^.^;
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

anvil.jpg Welcome to Gadget's workshop!
Drawn by Morgan Kohl

gadgfinished!1.gif This is from an awesome new Japanese artist, Gadget after a long day of work
Illustrated by mikan

japanesebeauty1.gif Gadget in a kimono! ^.^
I like!
Illustrated by mikan

sunnyday.jpg Sitting in a field of nicely coloured blooms, Gadget smiles and glances up at the bright sun
Great apparel
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

photoalbum.jpg Gadget, Chip, Dale, and Zipper having fun in the sun on the beach
Dale.. please get your head out of the sand
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

beachball.jpg Forget the beachball and just stare at the gorgeous bikini ^.`;;
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

Simply. Gadget.
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

Gadget31.jpg A New Gadget!
Drawn by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

gadcandy.gif Inspired by the Aqua song 'Lollipop'
Indeed.. ^.^;
Drawn by Richard Ray II Roberts - scribble@gte.net

cpencilGadg.jpg A nice color pencil drawing
Drawn by mikan

careful.jpg Here's one of Gadget being extra careful not to step on the flowers. ;)
Illustrated by mikan

GadgMont.jpg Gadget and Monterey Jack
Drawn by mikan

paperclip.jpg Just imagine all the uses she could find for this!
Drawn by mikan

Paris.jpg Oo-la-la!
Illustrated by mikan

wlkabtGadg.jpg If Gadget in Tokyo Disney were not so sleepy..
Drawn by mikan

Gadget_in_the_moonlight.jpg Ever play Dark Stalkers..?
Bewitchingly beautiful..
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

time_alone.jpg Everyone enjoys free time alone, including Gadget ^-^
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

purple.jpg Victoria Secret, eat your heart out ^-`
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

mermouse.jpg Ariel, eat your heart out! ^-`
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

one_small_step.jpg Neil Armstrong, eat your heart out! ^-`;;;
Drawn by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

Gadget35.jpg Gadget in a Halloween dress
Positively bewitching
Illustrated by Zimin Timophey - rakott@yahoo.com

gadnuc.jpg "Gadget saves the World"
Considering Gadget's affinity for explosions.. it might just be the red wire ^-^;;
Drawn by Mister Pi - mr_pi@whopper.de

findyou-bw.gif Gorgeous pencil drawing of our favourite mouse
Nice 3D effects
Drawn by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

tmp11.jpg Kawaii!! ( Cute!! )
Gadget in backpacking/hiking gear
Drawn by Tyler Jepson - metalass@hotbot.com

tmp12.jpg Gadget sans any outfit. Cute and not racy
Illustrated by Tyler Jepson - metalass@hotbot.com

globalrr.jpg "Rangers 'round The World"
Tokyo Disney was never this much fun!
The Rescue Rangers dressed up in different nationalities' outfits
Illustrated by searching for artist

sf20---.jpg A mouse and a keyboard ^-^
Drawn by Andrey Shwyrcov - rebecca@lysva.com

wondera_copy.jpg I wonder what she's saying?
Another keeper ^-^
Illustrated by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

action.jpg Agreed! A sledgehammer is the best way to fix stuff! ^-`;;;
Sketched by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

left.jpg Gadget smiles to our left
Sketched by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

sheetcopy.jpg Here's a familiar pose
Sketched by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

left1.gif Gorgeous, nice hair too. ^-^
Drawn by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

icon.GIF Hmm! A mousehole!
Very cute!
Drawn by Contessina - contessina_2000@yahoo.com

equations.JPG If only Gadget could have helped me during College Calculus.. ^-`
Drawn by Contessina - contessina_2000@yahoo.com

gadgetvolt.GIF Gadget dressed as MegaVolt, from Darkwing Duck
Ooh.. nice ^-^
Illustrated by Contessina - contessina_2000@yahoo.com

gadgetchan2.GIF First she was Ryoko, now she's Washuu from Tenchi Muyo
Drawn by Contessina - contessina_2000@yahoo.com

yulegadg.gif "Cool Yule"
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

Nice sketch!
Drawn by Angi Duke - angiduke@home.com

gadscrew.jpg She always winds up with parts left over.. ^-`
Drawn by Adam Curran - adam_curran@hotmail.com

x_mouse_card.jpg Gadget wishes everyone a Merry Christmas
Gorgeous art, as always
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

GADGETST.jpg Gadget in a Star Trek uniform
I always knew she'd be an engineer ^-^
Illustrated by Jon Kunatz - Rikirk@aol.com

Gadget Kisekae KiSS, the Kisekae Set System, is a fun and easy paper
doll game for computer users. KiSS takes its name from the Japanese
term kisekae ningyou which refers to playing dress-up with dolls.
Please note! I've deviated from my usual guidelines, this page requires JAVA 1.1 or higher support.
(You can drag and drop clothes around, and even Gadget! Click
the upper row of little squares at the top right to see all the outfits)
Created by Candy Courtnier - candy@anterras.net

Gadget1CLR.JPG A cute pose of a happy lil' Gadget giving a big ol' smile!
(and wearing those cute pink shorts of hers =)
pen and pencil versions are available as well.
Illustrated by Strider Orion - strider_orion@hotmail.com

Gadget2CLR2.JPG <Cue Beach Boys Music> Gadget gets splashed in a bikini
Nice tan! ^-`;;;;
Despite it looking great, the artist says that it is unfinished, I can't wait to see the final results ^-^
Illustrated by Strider Orion - strider_orion@hotmail.com

Gadget3CLR.JPG Gadget strikes a pose beside a double ended wrench
This one is also unfinished, but good
Illustrated by Strider Orion - strider_orion@hotmail.com

stepping_small.gif Gadget carefully takes a step
Sketched by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

simple.jpg Simple though the title may be, the drawing is anything but! ^-^
Illustrated by Ruslan Matvienko - cdrr@usa.net

Preliminary Gadget Ozaki - Tank Police.jpg
Gadget rides atop Bonaparte, the minitank, from Masamune Shirow's Anime Dominion Tank Police.
Cool idea, Chibi Cat-girls beware! ^-`
Drawn by Horse Mage - horsemage@earthlink.net

gadget2.jpg Gadget, inside of our computers ^.^
Nice display of depth, and my web browser icon of choice! ^-^;
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

gadgasp.gif Gadget lets out a gasp
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

gwrench2.gif Gadget standing, a wrench held in her hands behind her
Nice smile ^-^
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

gadg-ra.gif Gadget dressed as She Ra, from the Filmation animation He-Man and She-Ra
Very well done, captures She Ra's expression very well. ^-^
Drawn by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

candy_and_hearts.jpg Looks like she's received a special gift from an admirer
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

sadness.jpg Gadget looking bereaved
Beautiful, emotions, expressions, all perfect
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

snuggly.jpg Let it snow!
Wanna snuggle up with her? Me too..
Illustrated by Rebekah Henderson - foreverknight77@hotmail.com

Gadlinger.jpg Gadget sporting a nice set of sky blue lingerie
Victoria Secret, eat your heart out
Nice smile and nice eyes
Drawn by Poland - poland_73@hotmail.com

gadanimeish.jpg As the name gets across, an Animeish sketch of Gadget ^-^
Sketched by Nathan

gadboomb.jpg (sfx) BOOM!
She can take off in a hurry..
This is one of the few times we'll see Gadget sketched from behind, nicely done
Drawn by Nathan

gadcdsb.jpg Gadget leans against her music CD collection
Sketched by Nathan

gadchipukcops.jpg Gadget and Chip, as members of the U.K.'s London police force
Drag 'em down to the pub, oi say! `-^
Sketched by Nathan

gadcurtainb.jpg Gadget peeks out from behind a curtain
Sketched by Nathan

gaddaledoac.jpg Gadget cries on the shoulder of an equally devastated Dale, after hearing the news about their teammate
Sketched by Nathan

gadeaster.jpg Happy Faberge Egg day! ^-`
(Happy Easter)
Sketched by Nathan

gadfavanimeb.jpg Who's your fave Anime babe?
Better be Gadget ^-^
Sketched by Nathan

gadnightshift.jpg While putting in a hard night's work, Gadget watches a shooting star outside her window
Nice facial expression
Sketched by Nathan

gadonthefloor.jpg Gadget sitting on the floor
Illustrated by Nathan

gadrinBOI.jpg Rinn, Gadget's mother from one CDRR Fanfic
Sketched by Nathan

gadslacksuit.jpg Here our favourite mouse sports comfy looking business attire
Drawn by Nathan

gadsnugglyb.jpg Now she's in a warm snuggly blanket
Nice expression and body position
Illustrated by Nathan

gadstreetclths.jpg More proof that artists will never let Gadget run out of clothing
Here's a loose fitting t-shirt and cargo pants
Drawn by Nathan

gadtgbelow.jpg Gadget, with her eyes closed, facing down
Sketched by Nathan

gadwatchntv.jpg Another shot from the back, Gadget enjoying munchies in front of the TV
Sketched by Nathan

gadwrench2b.jpg Another pose with her ubiquitous wrench
Sketched by Nathan

A collection of sculptures, figurines, and toys. All made by Candy Goldstein
Gadget_ceramic_01.jpg [1 of 2] A porcelain sculpture of Gadget.
Gadget_ceramic_02.jpg [2 of 2] A porcelain sculpture of Gadget.
Gadget_wax_01.jpg A candle shaped like Gadget. Please note! No wick ^_^
Gadget_posable_01.jpg [1 of 2] Posable toy Gadget. With toolbox!
Wrench set sold separately
Gadget_posable_02.jpg [2 of 2] Posable toy Gadget. With toolbox!
Rubber Bando and Chip on Fire playset coming soon
Gadget_lego_minifig_01.jpg [1 of 3] LEGO Gadget Minifig (in progress)
Gadget_lego_minifig_02.jpg [2 of 3] LEGO Gadget Minifig (in progress)
Gadget_lego_minifig_03.jpg [3 of 3] LEGO Gadget Minifig (in progress)
Gadget_remote_control_tank_01.jpg Remote Gadget Tank (in progress)

scannad.jpg How to become an inventor: Part 1.
Drawn by John Twilight

Fan fiction, scripts, and original stories

"Honey, I Shrunk the Cops"
Norton Nimnul is on the loose again.
This time he shrinks officers Kirby and Muldoon down to mouse size and threatens to feed them to a cat if the city doesn't come up with a ten million dollar ransom.
It's up to the Rescue Rangers to save the police and capture Nimnul.
Created by Michael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

"Love is a Many Splendored Thing"
Gadget is splashed by a love potion that causes her to fall in love with one of the chipmunks.
To make matters worse, Nimnul is holding the city captive.
Created by Michael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

"I Dream of Fat Cat"
Fat Cat gets ahold of a dream machine and has another scheme to capture the Rangers.
Created by Micheael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

"Invasion of the Body Switchers"
A mysterious cat visits Fat Cat and offers him a device that can switch bodies.
Fat Cat switches with Gadget and tries to infiltrate the Rangers, all on her birthday.
Created by Michael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

"A Matter of Life and Death"
This tale is on the graphic side, and should be avoided if one is uncomfortable with the thought of Gadget dying
Created by Michael Gibby - monsoon@vii.com

"The Princess Thing"
A medieval romance novel, as Gadget would compose it
Author anonymous by request

"Interview with the Mouse"
Talk show host Sally Jessy Raphael interviews our favourite mouse
Created by Candy Courtnier

"Gadget and Goliath"
An alternate origin on how Gadget met the Rescue Rangers
Created by Don Weatherwax - donald.e.weatherwax@csun.edu

"Dreams of the Rarebit Rangers"
Monty serves up something that gives all the Rescue Rangers something to dream about
Created by Don Weatherwax - donald.e.weatherwax@csun.edu

A Rescue Ranger novella, with Gadget as one of the main characters
Created by Aivars Liepa - aliepa@lib.acadlib.lv
Last updated 98-February 14th

"Sailor Mouse"
Satire of the famous ( in Japan ) Sailor Moon Anime
Gadget stars as Usagi (Serena in the English dub)
Created by Candy Courtnier

"A Tale of Two Worlds"
Gadget takes a summoning portal, shaped like a cube, from Fat Cat and gates in an otherwise normal Elf. Except the Elf is as tall as she. By Elven custom, he must protect and obey her until either he finds his way home, or he dies. But Fat Cat has another cube..
Created by Shane Jackson - josh@horizon.hit.net
Last updated 96-April 14

"A Twit's Ransom"
Issue #19 of Disney's Chip & Dale's Rescue Ranger Comic - as seen in the mind of a true RR fan
"Yes, Gadget love, it's a satire, all right." -- MJ
Created by Candy Courtnier

"Miami 'Munks"
The 'Rangers go on a Winter vacation in Miami and get caught up in a cheese smuggling ring.
Created by David Walker - dnow@interpath.com

"Food Fight"
Created by Jill D. Weber - Jelsemium@aol.com

The Rescue Ranger Movie - "Somemouse to Watch Over Me..."
The Rescue Ranger movie script
Created by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

"There and back.. AGAIN?"
Darkwing Duck / Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers crossover
Created by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

"Chariots of Fur"
Monty falls victim to his boasting to an old foil and tricks Chip and Dale into entering a decathalon
.. all for a kiss from Gadget.
But if they lose, Gadget will have to kiss Monty's rival.
Created by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

"Home is Where You Hang Upside Down"
Foxglove comes back.
An indepth story of her return to the Rangers.
Created by Roy Neal Grissom - rgrissom@usit.net

"Star Trekkin'"
Gadget finds herself aboard a starship copyrighted by Paramount studios ^_-
Created by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

A starship crashes in the Rescue Rangers' continuum, with a mouse sized human aboard
Fat Cat steals the ship and creates weapons of mass destruction
This story has everything an RR addict loves; explosions, hi-tech gear, and Gadget's latest vehicle
Created by T. Richard Williams - Warp_1@Hotmail.com

"Little Problems"
The Rangers and their new friend find themselves embroiled into yet another of Norton Nimnul's plots against the city.
Second in the Visitor Series
Created by T. Richard Williams - Warp_1@Hotmail.com

"A Syllabus of Comedies"
A fancifully woven collection of parodies, with the Rangers as the main characters
Hilarious, a must read, but pay attention to the disclaimer first.
Created by Roy Neal Grissom - rgrissom@usit.net

"After Effects"
Gadget is left as the last Rescue Ranger.
Third in the Visitor Series
Created by T. Richard Williams - Warp_1@Hotmail.com

Gadget is starting to sleepwalk, and nobody knows why
Will the Rangers ever find out why, before it is too late?
Created by Matthew Plotecher - straight_jacket@juno.com

"Soul Searching"
Part I: Touch and Go.
*Read* this
Created by Michael Demcio - RRQuest@Aol.com

"Soul Searching"
Part II: First Contact
Read this, too, it's just.. incredible
Created by Michael Demcio - RRQuest@Aol.com

"A Hitch in Time"
Part I
Part II
Mighty Morphin' time travellin' Rescue Rangers, Batman! -_^
Created by Karen Mollett - kuwani01@yahoo.com

"Folgers Crystals (Let's See What Happens)"
It's Rescue Rangers meets the Anime Rurouni Kenshin in this bizarrely entertaining crossover ^-^
Created by Candy Courtnier

256 and 65,000 Color OS/2 Warp Icons

Gadget.ico 64X64 of GDGTREC.GIF

GADGSUIT.ICO 64X64 of Gadget in a swimsuit talking to Monty
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'

DarkGad2.ICO 32X32 of a 24M color TIFF called DarkGadget.TIF

DarkGad3.ICO 64X64 of a 24M color TIFF called DarkGadget.TIF


GADGSURF.ICO 64X64 of Gadget on a surfboard (HAWAII7.GIF)
From 'Gadget goes Hawaiian'

Most of these pictures (with the exception of the OS/2 Icons and my DarkGadget.TIF's) can be picked up on the following FTP sites:

Did I forget to reference a picture here? If yes, then you can look at the incoming directory containing new pictures by clicking here.

Someone move to Siberia and forget to leave a forwarding address? If you know someone who's address has changed, then by all means please let me know. My address is

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Have a picture you want to add to the archive? Then send it in! The Archive will accept anything that's UUencoded, MIME64'd, or an Email attachment.

Just send the encoded picture to with the subject of "GADGET ARCHIVE PICTURE". Oh, and please give at least a 24 hour warning before it's sent. ;)

As soon as your picture is decoded, thousands of people across the net will be able to see it. Currently over half of the pictures in the Gadget archive are from people sending them in. We take digitizations, original art, parodies, and anything else you can think of. Including animations and stories!

-- Paltiel Goldstein, Marlboro New Jersey
MOO: Isagi (#21077) @lambda.moo.mud.org [PORT 8888]

Rescue Ranger Internet Resources

Last Modified: Monday, June 6th 2006
This document has been accessed lots of times since April 12th, 1999