Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers

"Sisters" part eleven.

Written by Aivars Liepa

Characters herein are © Walt Disney corporation. Distribute freely, but do not modify.

[Editor's note: Like what you see? Want Aivars to write more? Please tell him!]

			XXIII. Are You ready?

	Gadget roll on stomach into her soft bed and start reread long
list of "most useful things in travel", she had writted down into last
	Stretched over two pages, it was too long to be taken
seriously, Gadget understand that. But all these things was really
	"I will newer carry it all..." Gadget sighted, and crossed few
of the rows out from list. Yet, the reduction here need be more
	Low buzzing sound, and she feel Zipper landing on her left
shoulder. Gadget stretched hand, and fly stepped on it. She placed him
down near her on bed, and again start look at list.
	"What i can do, Zip?" she said softly. "I need them all - my
instruments, 'RangerWing', and some of my recent inventions too... What
if we run into some case and we don't have the thing, we had, but
leaved at home? Not, not really badly want, as we can solve any case
without any of my inventions, but this may make it easiest, and less
dangerous, and if we have such a devices, then why not use them, but
let them stay and dust into laboratory..."
	Zipper silently shrugged. He said nothing, knowing that Gadget
in current 'theoretizing' state of mind was impenetrable for outside
arguments. It was her problem, and she will solve it.
	He himself was already ready for travel. Being a small fly had
some bright sides too. His only dress was a t-shirt, usually into
bright colour - red, orange or yellow. He don't have much other stuff
too. There was once some nice gatherings, but all that went to sea
ground into that dark day, when Fat Cat sunk his and Monty home...
	Suddenly he feel Gadget looking at him.
	"Zipper, i asked you."
	"Yes? Sorry, Gadget, i was thinking."
	"Can You help me?"
	Zipper shrugged and look at long list, Gadget had in hands.
	"Better ask Chip or Monty," he said after some thinking. "Chip
is always ready to help you."
	"No." Gadget said strongly. "He again start fight with Dale,
and they will tear my list in pieces. Not this time. Maybe it will be
not so much in real?"
	Gadget went up, walked to the garage and start gather all items
from list.

	Gadget look at huge pile of things, she had pulled out from
shells, and gasped.
	Zipper twice fly around it, then landed on chair back. He look
at mouse questioningly.
	"I know, i know," Gadget sighted. "Guess, i don't need a
transformator into this travel... And also this portable
	Two boxes get placed back at shelves. Not, that it helped much.
	"Hmm, maybe i will leave home this new power generator... And
set of batteries, they can be brought in any store anyway... And this
set of wrench keys, i had them used only three times..." More boxes and
sets leaved pile.
	Gadget angry looked at the still remaining things.
	"O, gosh, why i need the instruments at all, i will be back
home after few days anyway!" she exclaimed and start toss all these
boxes, sets and packets into their places. Atl least, into what she
supposed was their places. After that done, rest get easily packed into
large yellow coffer, Chip had presented her for travel needs.
	Having that done, Gadget walked downstairs, through main room,
toward kitchen, Zipper perching on her left shoulder.
	Pouring could tea for her and for small fly, white mouse come
back to main room ad sat down at round table.
	"Wonder, where guys headed so long," she said, absently messing
tea with plastic toy spoon.
	"Want me go look?" Zipper straightened.
	"No. Not yet... I only wonder, why Chip took baloon plane
instead of RangerWing..."
	For long time there again was silence. Both rangers fall deep
into their thoughts.

	Gadget was into heawy thoughts, after all. All these
activities, the packing and preparing, it reminded her of the other
day, like this one... About other period of her life, she thinked she
had leaved after...
	It was two years ago, yet pain still was same as it had
happened yesterday...

	"Miss HackWrench?" she had been greeted by small fat mouse at
the steps of her home, after she had jumped out from passing bus. She
recognized him as one of his fathers aviator friends, who on occasion
dropped to them.
	"Im sorry, miss, that i need say this..."
	"What happened?" Gadget lost her smile.
	"Your father, miss..." mouse went silent.
	Gadget instantly forget about all fun, she had had into last
travel to Europe, and then from Marseiles to New York to SanFrancisco.
	"What happened?"
	"He participiated into annual air race, and..."
	"He is wounded?" Gadget break off mouse speech. "Where is he?"
	"He is dead..."
	"Dead... Dead... Dead..." sounded into Gadget's mind. "He is
dead... Dead..."
	"No..." she whispered with white lips.
	"No!!" she cried out the pain, that strangled her.
	Mouse caught her, before she broke into run toward house.
	"He is at aviator's cemetery, Gadget," he said quietly, holding
her. "All others are there too. We hoped, you will arrive earlier...
Ceremony still wasn't started..."
	Gadget made light effort to break free, then start sob. Mouse
guided her over airfield, toward few green trees near sideroad...

	Gadget newer recovered fully from that day... She was too
shocked to accept loss.
	She locked herself away from the world. Build impenetrable
walls around her hearth. She made her losung be: "My house is my
	She had always had little of friends. Her father tend to bring
her along, when he leaved on not so dangerous trips, sometimes that
meant few months away from their home. She meet many people, yet rarely
their friendship continued after she leaved. Rarely relations grow into
something more that associating names and faces...
	Few old father's friends had tried to cheer her up, but failed.
She need someone close enough to open her hearth fully, but that place
was empty...
	That was the time, she had built the traps. For salesmans
repelling, she had explained. In fact, she had build them to keep any
visitor at all away from her and her home...
	Around a year she had lived like into dream. Still waiting,
that one day doors will open, he will walk in, smile to her, brush her
golden hair into wig and say: "See, Gadget, i'm home!"

	"See, Gadget, i'm home..." she absently whispered...
	"Gadget... Gadget..."

	Gadget sharply wake up from the half-dreaming. Someone was
shaking her by shoulder.
	"Gadget, what's with you?" worrying voice ask.
	Gadget look up. At her side stand two mice girls. Syril, and
one not seen yet, black and white fur and in blue cotton dress. She,
like Gadget and her father, has in parentage some product of laboratory
experiments - no any natural mice will have her fur coloured so sharply
into two opposite colours.
	"Nothing, Syril... I was dreaming a bit..." Gadget said.
	"O, hope i don't interrupt something pleasant," Syril smile.
"Allow me introduce my collegue - mis Blansh Schwartz. Mis Gadget
	"Pleasant to meet," Gadget rise and shaked other mouses
stretched hand.
	"My pleasure," Blansh reply into light voice.
	"Take a seat, please. Sorry, tea is could, but i may warm it
up, if you want?"
	"Sit down dear, tea can wait, but i cant," Syril pulled Gadget
	"Since im leaving with you, Blansh get to go with my halfwroted
stories on hands. She will finish my interview with you, i made first
draft out. I want you both go through it and correct any errors. I will
be back soon!"
	Syril was out of room before Gadget had time to say something.
	"Is she always so?" she looked at black&white mouse.
	"Syril? Yes, she is," Blansh smiled. "She can't sit on one
	Both girls laughed.
	"Okey, there is Syril's notes. Read through them first, and
then we will both go over details," Blansh get tiny stack of paper out
of her shoulder bag and give to Gadget.

			XXIV. Conspiracy.

	Monty turned off engines, and RangerPlane start slowly drifting
together with the bright wind from sea side.
	They was far enough from 'Lucky Tom', but still need fly enough
to reach their home - oak tree into park. Only Monty feel, he can't
stay silent anymore.
	"Listen, pals..." Monty turned to both chipmunks into back
seats. "...about what we will do now..."
	"What so much to decide?" Dale grin. "Im leaving with Gadget.
Chip is staying. You, Monty..."
	"NOW WAIT A MOMENT!" Chip jump to feets. "Why you go and i
stay?" he demanded.
	"You wanted to investigate that robbery - you do it!" Dale's
grin grow wider.
	"Yes, but i mean we all..."
	"Gadget need go, and she will go!"
	"I mean..."
	"I know, what you mean!"
	"May i say something?" Monty ironically asked.
	"He said..."
	"I wanted..."
	"Will you two gibbers keep quiet?!" Monty shouted.
	This do effect.
	Dale demonstratively turn his back toward friend. Chip angry
crossed his hands.
	"I have only one question to ask," Monty said quietly. "Do you
care about Gadget?"
	"Then it is settled."
	"Monty," Chip looked at his big friend. "What you have in
	"I thinked about it all the time, while we fly from Fat Cat to
Capone, and after that. Robbery report. Fat Cat's bombing. Absence of
that sever rat. Its serious." Monty look into Chip's eyes. "But Gadget
too is serious. She need our support, our friendship and our help into
her return to family. There is others, that can help city, if we go,
but there will be no one who will help Gadget, if we stay."
	Monty take a pause.
	"Chip? Do you really want to stay?"
	Chip look back at big mouse.
	"And what you think, Monty? Do i?" he said ironically. "Sure i
wish i can go with her."
	"And i too!" Dale added. 
	"Then there is only one thing we need do before we leave."
	"Get a replacement," Dale sighted. "Who?"
	"I thinked not for another ranger group..." Monty start.
	"Tammy always wanted to become ranger. She is persistent into
her pursuit of Chip's hearth and Ranger's post," Dale thought loud.
	"You insane?" Chip cried loudly. "She's child!"
	"Teenager. Remember yourself into that age?" Dale grin. "No?
Need i remind about bear and horner's nest? Or about Clariss..."
	"You always was one who get in trouble!" Chip snapped back,
	"May i get to know about bear and horners?" Monty asked.
	"Some other time," Chip evaded. "Still, i don't like the idea
of asking Tammy."
	Monty look at both chipmunks, absently tearing ends of his
moustashe. "As much as i dislike dragging her in trouble, i don't see
any other candidate. Flash had gone for nature filming to Alaska,
together with that parrot. Anyway they wasn't free to walk around."
	"Your dad is too out of question," Chip said. "First he is out
of city, and second, he is excellent trouble-maker himself."
	"Maybe Qeenie?"
	"If she will be not too busy with preparing to winter. I will
ask Zipper to go to visit her, as we get home." Chip agreed to Dale.
"About free moving around... Any dogs get ruled out by that, including
Butch and Toby..."
	"Same for our friends in zoo," Dale sighted. "As soon as humans
see wolf outside of cage, they scream bloody murder..."
	"Stop!" Monty suddenly start smiling.
	"Remember Cola cult? After we dealed with Bubbles, they start
much straighter live. Not all ninjas was into crime gang. Myron will be
glad to help, and Popp still doesn't know how to thank Gadget for
	"Then it's settled. Who will go to Popp?"
	"I will," Monty said. "But i think, with these ninjas doing all
hard task, we can allow give Tammy a chance. Let her sit at home and
gather news, right?"
	"Bingo!" Dale smiled.
	"Good." Chip agree.
	"And since she loves Chip so much, he may go and deliver these
news to her."
	Chip slapped his forehead with paw, imagining how Tammy will
thank him.
	Engine started, and plane turned toward new destination.
	Down below them Desire de Lury look up for a second, before
resuming her walk. She had recognized logo on plane's side, but with
Jonny near she can't risk calling his attention to rangers.

			XXV. A law of travellers.

	Lawainee checked digits on big tablo with plane list and on
clock at the far side wall.
	"We have a little more that half hour, before our plane to New
York departs. Too little to go to my village..."
	"Sadly. I had like to see your home," Alex smiled.
	"Nothing much to loss. Grass hut is and remains a grass hut. I
bet, you live in much better place, right?"
	"Not really. At uncle, there is good place with lot of room,
but in city im living under policy station floor. That meaning much
noise day and night, little food to gather and periodical
	"What is that - rat-removing?" Lawainee asked.
	"If you don't know, you don't need to know."
	"O, come on! Im not a child!"
	"Okey. Imagine all possible poisoned food, big assortment of
traps and sometimes a gas attack too."
	"Guess, this is the so called civilization," Lawainee smiled.
"We here are living into free land, and unless we walk into someones
home to gather something, no one cares about us."
	Alex noticed a small sign, leading a way to the mouse-own
cafee, and they spend few mins into it, eating and relaxing. Then
another dollar changed ownership, but aeroport mouses help them get
into food containers again, and so they boarded plane.
	They again was only ones passengers into kitchen compartment,
and after Lawainee and Alex get settled with little snack under table,
mouse smiled.
	"Now its your turn to tell a story, detective."
	"Need i?" Alex asked rethorically.
	"A law of travellers."
	"Okey, okey."
	Alex finished crunching a potato chip and brushed his hands.
	"You want a story? My one will be short and boring..."

	I was born twenty five years ago. My family was from middle
class - we don't live into palace, and last names in genealogy tree, my
parents know, was from four generations only. My father's family had
come from Scotland, but that was so long ago, that the 'Mc' prefix had
remain only one sign of it.
	My father worked as assistant into post department. Work, that
demanded much from his legs and time.
	Mother lead a homelife. She newer worked a pay-job, as far i
remember, and was proud of that.
	We always had enough money. My parents get some into their
marriage, father get paid well, and he managed do few succesful
investigations. I rise in easy way.
	My teacher - i go into public school, as all of my level - was
aged mouse gentleman. He sure can talk days and days about warious
traps and poisons, how to recognize and awoid them and other such
things, humans like to threat 'pests'. And sometimes he beat knowledge
into our stubborn heads naturally, not literally. At that time we hated
him. Recently i went to him to say thanks for lessons, that had saved
my skin more that once.
	He also teached us many other basical survival things - how
find food, how escape predators.
	Later teachers changed. Language teacher. Writing. Calculus. I
doubt i need as much as half of the knowledge, they put into my head. 
	At seventeen i had ended school. I wasn't into top ten, but
somewhere in middle of upper half. I know enough, but have no practice.
	Father wanted me taking his place, as he had get his from his
father. Mother dreamed for me taking an advocate practice, like my
uncle Gerald. Gerald was a example of succesful mouse for her, unlike
other uncle - Fransis, who had studied medicine but end working as
doctor and majordomo for your grandmother Olivia.
	I, for myself, don't want do anything, except have fun. Being
lazy, and growing up on all ready, i wasn't fit well for a live...

	Lawainee bowed her head to side, looking Alex over for new.
	"I can't say, you stayed living that style," she said.
	Alex nodded.
	...One day all in a moment turned over. After a party i
returned to home near morning. Mom and dad wasn't here. At that moment
i don't think much, but fall asleep.
	At midday i was waked up by uncle Gerald. He had come to tell,
that my parents have been found. Dead.
	In their way back from opera house, they have been robbed and
killed... For a lousy two pounds, my father always carried with, and
for my mother's fake jewelry...

	Alex went silent, staring blankly ahead.

	...Tracks around bodies tell, it was not a cat or other
predator... It was another mouse or mouses... Our royal police looked
after them for a time, but then closed case...
	Then both my uncles decided, that they can't allow anyone kill
McDugals and get away safely. They get money together and hired a
private eye - Max McGregor - another scottsman. And they ordered me
take an aprentice's job for Max. We start track killers himself...
	I don't like turning into sleuth - i found that life too
dangerous for me to liking it - but i can't say a word. That happened
six years ago...

	"Do you succeed?" Lawainee asked quietly.
	"No... I failed trust of uncles..." Alex shaked head. "Max too.
We caught some mouse gangs on streets, but none of them turned out
	Alex went silent again.

	...I spend years, running errands for Max... Anger burn into
me. Then it died out, like fire without wood... But remain job, i start
know better and better, even if i don't like it... Years go. I studied
sleuth knowledge... One day, year ago, Max called me in and asked, what
i think of stopping be apprentice and becoming his partner. Had it
happened earlier, possibly i will say no. But i only asked for a day to
think over.
	I remembered all the cases, we with Max had... All those, we
helped to become happy again...
	I agree.

	"The strangest thing is, i start like my job. If someone will
now offer me wealth and chance return to my old life, i will laugh into
his face." Alex smiled.
	"And what cases you have?" Lawainee asked.
	"Any. Anyone, who comes to us, get accepted. Max even have a
discount for the poors. Once we spend a three months to found a lost
husband of poor sparrow, and at the end we found him into neighbour
city into cage into some human child room. Only reward, we get, was
their thanks and their happy faces."
	"What said your relatives about you? After you failed case of
your parents and still stay a detective?"
	"What can they said? Fransis was first who hear that. 'Anyone
need his own place in life. Glad, you found yours,' he said. Gerald too
accepted me easily - his and my jobs often crossed. Others... There was
some far relatives from Liverpool, that start talk about family fame
and such things. After i showed them my income, they went silent."
	"You lied before," Lawainee said after long silence.
	"You said, your story will be a short and boring. Its nor one,
nor another."

			XXVI. Secret deal.

	Place was empty. Maybe because it was a afternoon, and humans
over them was still busy. Mices preferred night hours for their
	Mary sit on round table and dangled her leg freely, teasing
brown mouse who sit in chair near her. She was into short tight dress,
and know well, what effect she is having on him.
	"Mike, i need your help," Mary said. All more that the half a
hour long conversation before was only a preludie to this request.
	"Yes, baby?"
	"I need... a surprise. A friendly joke played with my cousin,
nothing more."
	"Will you do it, or i need look for more 'brave' boy?" Mary
said into sultry voice.
	Mike straightened, and Mary know, he had took the bait.
	"You don't found any better that me. What you want?"
	"A cat."
	Mike look at girl for some moment in shock.
	"What?" he said slowly.
	"A cat."
	"That type of joke is called a murder." Mike laughed.
	"You afraid?"
	"Im not afraid, but assume, we get caught? Preparing cat attack
- they will sell us to perfume lab as test animals!"
	"I don't said, i want a mean cater. Get me a small kitty. Or
some lap-cat, who never had been on his own and is overeat and lazy."
	"Any cat first will kill and then talk." Mike said strongly.
	"So i need go to Samual. He will not refuse to help me."
	"To that yankee?" Mike's fur stand up.
	"If you dont agree..."
	"Why i still love you, Mary?" Mike sighted, sitting down.
"Where and when?"
	"I know, you will agree. My cousin will arrive in London any
day this week. Get some errand-boy on airports - she is coming with
airplane. After they are out in clear, release kitten."
	"They?" Mike raised eyebrow.
	"Yes. She and my other far relative Alex. I want to make a
greeting, they will newer forget."
	"If i be at her place, i sure will never forget. If i survive,"
Mike said.
	"Mike, understand, please - i don't want her eated. Only
	"One can newer be sure with cats."
	"Right. So let say, if there is a sad accident with my cousin,
i will not cry loud about it. You understand me, Mike?"
	Mike nod.
	"Then we made a deal?"
	"Yes, we made." Mike said in tone, that showed, he is
regretting what he is doing.
	"Good. There is her photo. Gadget HackWrench. Family may be
other too. She is together with Alex McDugal. There is his photo and a
	Mary placed on table two small pictures and a stack of cash.
	"She is pretty," Mike murmured, looking into picture. Young
mouse into light summer dress. Pink ears and nose, blue eyes. Golden
hair pulled together into ponytail.
	"This one was taked few years ago," Mary warned.
	"Good. Where i need call you, baby, when it's done?"
	"I will found you himself, as always. And pay rest," Mary
purred and slid out from room.

	Outside of casino, she with relief pulled in fresh air. Dealing
with types like Mike was necessery evil, she need go through, and it
give her good side-incomes, but noone said, she was to liking it.
	That was settled. Mike was wise enough to found, that Mary
don't want her linked with the 'accident' with her 'cousin'. He had do
some jobs for her earlier and know, she always pay right and at time.
	"How ironically for you, Gadget - see London and die," Mary
grin and run toward the entrance of collector.

			XXVII. 'Is it's true?'

	Fransis was worried.
	The last news from Alex was, that he was heading somewhere deep
into mountains of New Zealand. Next day come phone call from San
Francisco, that said, Gadget is living here. After check, it turned out
true, and Gadget was already on her way to England. But where had Alex
go then?
	Fransis sit into deep chair into his cabinet, the telegramm
lying on table, and blankly stare at it. "Going into wild. Be back
after two days. Something start turn out. Alex."
	Telegramm. It was only fact, that Olivia had many contacts into
many places, that they can allow services such as this. Usually only
mices who lived into post, newspapers or alike ofices, can understand
and use such a human devices. Slowly this was changing, as the
appearance of global computer network give animals more chances of
using it. When anything you see on screen was rows of letters, you
can't tell, who was typing them in.
	Phone ring.
	Fransis removed earpiece.

	Up into human rooms, phone ringing stopped.

	"Yes?" Fransis answered.
	"It's Janet! What's about that girl you likely founded?"
	Fransis sighted. He had hoped delay the reweal, until Gadget
found out situation herself.
	"Yes, it's true." he said.
	"And you keep it secret?!" Janet exploded.
	"It wasn't clear till this morning, is she Gadget or not."
	"Greatly! We get some imposter pretending to our family money,
and you keep quiet!"
	"I currently am checking this... That's why I don't call
meeting yet."
	"Better call it soon, or we will..."
	There was muffled scream into phone.
	"Im discovered! Remember - call it quick!"
	And Janet drop phone.

	Janet indeed had many words to say, but she can't say them now,
as some lady has screaming by seeing her sitting on phone table. Janet
jumped down, crossed corridor and hid under large cupboard. Unseen she
reached mousehole and get out.
	"Better you call meeting, or I will call it without you,
Fansis," she swore.

	Fransis look at earpiece, before setting it down. Janet had
been distracted by something, no way she will end so soon. Sighting, he
put earpiece on its stand and turn back to papers.
	"As we don't have enough problems already..." he murmured to
himself, standing up and walking out of room, down the gallery toward
hole leading into garden. "Janet and Gina will team against Gadget as
soon as she arrives... What else can go wrong?"

			XXVIII. Hard talk.

	Chip pull in air, then knock at squirrel nest doors. This was
home, Tammy, Binks and their mother lived.
	He hoped, he can speak with mother first. Tammy will be on
seventh sky from being accepted as equal by rangers, but what will her
mother say? She still haven't found out fully, what happened that time,
but she had made it clear, she don't like getting her daughters into
	"Yes, who's there? Chipper!" Tammy cried, opening door and
spotting Chip standing here. "Come in!"
	"Who's that?" her mother called from kitchen.
	"Nothing, my friend Chip had come," Tammy called back.
	"I have come to talk with your mother, Tammy," Chip warned,
when Tammy tried to pull him past kitchen doors toward her room.
	Tammy become less active, but let him go.
	"Missis Riskin," Chip removed his hat.
	Squirrel appear into doorway, drying her hands in towel.
	"May we talk?"
	"Im hearing."
	"Not here. Under four ears."
	"Tammy. Get Binks, and go walk in park for a time."
	Tammy scowled, but obeyed. Binks, although, was wery happy
about the outcome, and soon had dragged older sister out of room.

	Chip sit chair near large table, while older squirrel poured
some tea into cups.
	"Missis Riskin, I had come to ask some questions. May I ask you
allow your daughter become part of our team?"
	Squirrel sit down.
	"What?" she whispered.
	"Tammy had few times asked us accept her as sixt member of
Rescue Rangers. We are leaving on some travel now, and it will help us,
if she will collect some information, that may come to our home into
our absence. Will you allow her?"
	"Pardon, she's only fifteen!"
	"I wasn't much older, when I arrived into city and start
independent live."
	"For boy it's different! And your cases, I have heard, can be
	Chip can only nod.
	"No. Im against that. Tammy still is too young to run around
with you."
	"Missis Riskin, I can promise, she will be in no danger..."
	"No. One time was enough. Sure, Tammy told me nothing, but
Binks say's something about cats, fights and canned squirrels. Im not
sure, i want to found out truth, but I don't want it repeating."
	"So you reject?"
	"Thanks for tea and sorry for trouble." Chip was standing.
	"One moment. You told her already?" mother asked.
	"No. I decided ask you first."
	"Thanks for small favour."
	Then door burst open.
	"Mom!" Tammy cried, red in anger. "Why?!!"
	Chipmunk and squirrel exchanged looks. Missis Riskin glanced at
Chip, who shook head.
	"I don't want you in trouble, child."
	"Im not child! Im fifteen! And im big enough to defend myself!"
	"Say this to cat, who caught your father!" mother snapped
	Chip shrugged. Obviously, Tammy was listening through the doors
or at open window. Why he don't imagine that happening? Now there was
scene, he had tried to awoid.
	He listen to mother and daughter chattering. Tammy had pointed,
that she is old enough to be on her own. Mother insisted on dangers,
that may arise. Some score hit Chip - for doing what he had done.
Exactly, that he step aside, letting womans set it between them.
	"Then I will run away!" Tammy cried out last argument.
	"Try only, I will lock you..."
	"Tammy, listen..." Chip tried calm teenager.
	"Chip, im old enough!"
	"Missis Riskin, maybe we can made a compromise?" Chip tried
other way.
	Both squirrels turned to him.
	"Yes?" mother said.
	"We will be away only a week. Maybe two. Call it a test period.
If you see, that that's too dangerous for your daughter, I agree. So it
will be only for these weeks."
	"Chip!" Tammy cried in anger.
	"Quiet, girl!"
	"All she need to do is pick up newspapers and letters at our
house and maybe speak with guests coming to us."
	"Maybe..." older squirrel fall in doubts.
	"Mother, I know you agree!" Tammy hug her.
	"Okey, okey. But only if its safe. If it get dangerous, you
will quit it immediately."
	Tammy nodded.
	"You promise sending her away, if I demand that?" mother turn
to Chip.
	"I promise, missis Riskin."
	"Two weeks."

			XXIX. The new ranger.

	Chip and Tammy was standing at base of her home tree.
	"So, im ranger now?" Tammy hug Chip, causing him blush.
	"Hmm. Lets call it Ranger aprentice, Tammy, okay?" Chip twisted
out of hug.
	"Why? I will stay with you!"
	"Only if your mother agrees. I promised her sending you away if
you meet danger."
	"Haven't we been in danger before?"
	"It's different. I promised her. Give my word. And she is
	Tammy sighted, but soon smile again.
	"You will not need sending me away. I will be careful."
	"We will see. Can you come with me, i need show you the home."
	"I was into your home. Forget?"
	"No, but now you need know the parts, guests aren't interested
in. The workrooms, other entrances, kitchen."
	"Sure, Chipper."
	"And, Tammy. May I ask you something?"
	"Yes, Chipper."
	"Please, stop calling me 'Chipper'?" Chip sighted.
	"Sure, Chippe.. Chip."  Tammy smile innocently.
	Together, they walked through the park, toward ranger tree.

	Sure, Rangerplane had already standing on platform. Chip
gathered courage, and open door, letting Tammy step in.
	"Hey, Chip, why so long?" Dale grin, seeing him. Grin turn into
smile, when he noticed Tammy too. 
	"Im charmed, madmozel!" he bowed.
	Tammy giggled.
	"These two may get well together," Chip thought. Dale had rare
periods, he remember proper maniers, but when it happened, it always
was funny. That period definitely had started, as now Dale was kissing
Tammy's hand.
	"Monty, how was your trip?" Chip turned toward big mouse.
	"Popp agreed. He will send two boys look after Fat Cat's
casino. If cater try something, they will found out."
	"Good. Where's Gadget?"
	"A. She is busy. Locked into her room together with strange
black&white mouse." Dale smiled.
	"Only because you tried read papers, they was talking about."
Monty corrected him. "They get angry."
	"Chip, you said, you will show me my job and my room," Tammy
hang into his elbow.
	"What i hear, Chipper?" Dale grin.
	Chip rolled eyes, as Dale laugh, and then walked away, with
Tammy under his hand.
	"Okey, you know where's our rooms. This way is kitchen and
storage room..." his voice disappear as door closed.

	"We all will become crazy with this trip,"  Monty sit down at
table and picked up cracker. "I mean, we had leaved before, and not
once get such a madness in house..."
	Doors burst open, and in run someone.
	"Im straight from airport! Great news, boys!" Syril shouted in
panting voice, hairs still flying from run. "At nine p.m. there is
plane leaving - straight to London! I already talked with airport
mouses, they promised reserve box for us on that plane! Get ready and
	"By holy cows..." Monty whispered.
	"Don't stand as swallowed poles, do something! We have only
hour and half to spare!"
	Dale break out from stupor, wailed and run out of common room
toward his and Chip's one. Monty sighted and follow him to his own.

			XXX. On way.

	At the ranger tree ground entrance stand large, long and low
car. Eight seats in pairs of two was on his length. Top wasn't at
place, there was only sight of it been planned - few holes and bolts to
where fasten him at.
	"We will be too late!" Syril nervously paced near tree
entrance, around small bag.
	"There still is time," Gadget said uncaring, don't rising head
from checking opened engine of her invention.
	Chip run out from doors and tossed his bag into car back. Two
steps behind him appear Tammy.
	"Okey, im ready. Dale is coming down."
	"Monty!" Gadget called loud, straightening and closing motor
	"Coming, dear!" big mouse's voice was heard from room.
	"We will be late," Syril for new walk around her sack.
	Steps dipped, and appear Monty with small bag on shoulder. He
put it into car back, then picked up and added Syril's one.
	Gadget take driver's seat and start engine. "Sounds like well
feed cat purring," she smiled.
	Again dipped steps, and Dale puffing run out, carrying large
backpack on back and coffer in hands. He stop, drop coffer, closed
doors, locked them and give key to Tammy.
	"All here? Okey, get in!" Gadget called.
	Syril climbed into head place, near Gadget. Monty and Tammy sit
on third row, while Chipmunks get second one. Zipper land into Monty's
	"Monty asked me build them, so use them!" Gadget pointed to
safety belts.
	It was in no need to repeat.

	"Okey, here we go!" Gadget pressed key and car rushed forward,
jump over road border and start accelerate.
	"Hold your hats, boys!"  Gadget shout against wind. "I added
new gear-shift, it should double our speed!"
	"You sure, she get all details back in?" Monty leaned forward
to Chip.
	"I think so."
	"Let hope, its true."
	Engine roared even louder, and car for sure add to it's speed.

	Into few mins rangers had crossed park, used sideway, and by
special invalid ramp descend into subway station.
	As on request, arrived train, and without decelerating Gadget
steered into first wagon and braked. With tires screaming, car stopped
under row of chairs.
	"I said, we will get here in time," Gadget smiled, pushing her
gougles up, while doors close, and speaker announced next station.
	"Im not sure, I want an answer, but, Gadget..."
	"Yes, Monty?"
	"Is this a first ride with new gear-shift?"
	"Yes. Why are you asking?"
	"I only now remember, I forget my lucky rabbit feet at home. I
will go on next plane..." Monty start opening his safety belt.
	"Sit down, Monty," Chip pulled him back.
	"Monty, why you continue trusting to such a fool things?"
Gadget turned back. "There is no such a things as magic or good or bad
	"Be not so sceptical..." Monty sighted.
	"Hey, look at Syril!" Dale suddenly pointed ahead. Mouse was
sitting on her chair, eyes closed.
	"Syril? You okey?" Gadget turn to her.
	"Yes..." after some pause brown mouse reply weakly. "Let me...
pull air in... for a time..."
	Gadget eyed Syril carefully. Reporter had catched seat sides
with white fingers, and her face was bloodless.
	Train stopped into station.
	"Two more, and get ready for leaving," Gadget warned.
	"Again?" Syril whispered.
	"You don't like car ride?"
	"I do like ride, i only don't like riding into Indianapolis
race car," Syril reply.
	"O, this isn't fastest of my inventions, I still need it tuned.
If we use my turbocar, then you will enjoy the real speed."
	"Thanks, im satisfied with this one. What details you used for
this devil?"
	"An aeroplane model engine. Works on gasoline or spirit. 0.12
Horsepowers. I build a speed reductor, it now haves six speeds, and one
more, if I use backmode. Tires is on rubber, I get them from broken
model car. Discs reinforced by aluminium. Ressors I cut herself from
old wind-up clock..."
	"Gadget, where you will leave it?" Chip saved Syril from
further details of car-building technology.
	"Remember the mouse millionaire Harold? I will sell this car to
him, after it's finished. His driver lives near airport. I will send
Zipper with message to him to pick up car and Tammy and drive them back
to our home."
	"Ahh..." Syril nod. "And where you get details?"
	"Most from junkyards. You can't imagine, what only humans don't
throw away!"

	Train start decelerate.
	"Okey, get prepared!" Gadget lovered goggles over eyes. She
started engine and steer car around under chairs, aiming it toward
wagon doors. Lucky, there wasn't much passengers at this hour.
	As train stopped, she roared engine up to limit, an as soon as
doors opened wide enough, they was speeding out with tires shrieking.

	"Look mom! I want such a toy!" some child called, pointing at
Gadget accelerating toward station exit. But while his mother turned,
car was gone.

	In no time they had reached invalid ramp and was going up.
	"Next stop - the airport backyard! Zipper, go to Smaik!" Gadget
announced, adding more power to engine.

	They arrived at airport in time. Even having twenty minutes in
	As Gadget steered through parking lot at airport front, there
appear some clanking sound from engine, that get louder each time, she
do gear shifting.
	Gadget look at engine curiously, even leaned to side once,
trying to see what is the case, but don't stop.
	At last they rolled up to gate to airfield near some

	Gadget shut down engine and climb out. Opening engine cover,
she waved away tiny steam strings and peer inside.
	"Gosh, I know I need the special sprockets on this, not
ordinary ones," she cursed, closing cover.

	By time, others had packed out their baggage, arrived Zipper
and some black mouse.
	"Greetings, Gadget!" he called.
	"Greetings, Smaik!"
	"How's the test?" Smaik asked, eyeing car.
	"Great. Only gear need replacing six sprockets for stronger ones.
Will you?"
	"What size?"
	"Twelve and fourteen," Gadget sight. "The ones I get don't hold
the stress."
	"Think, I have some. Is it moving?"
	"On lowest speed will."
	"Then its settled. Want me pick you up on returning?"
	"Will see."